Bestselling, Award-Winning, and Pulitzer Prize Nominated Author and Composer

Where the Birds Never Sing
ISBN- 0-06-009665-9​
A son's tribute to the courage of his father and to all the heroes of World War II
At once epic in scope and intimate in detail, Where the Birds Never Sing effortlessly transports the reader on an emotional and unforgettable journey. Author Jack Sacco masterfully recounts the true story of his father, Joe Sacco, an American GI in World War II who landed at Omaha Beach, fought under the command of General George Patton during the Battle of the Bulge, and helped liberate the notorious Nazi concentration camp at Dachau.
Readers will not only delight in Where the Birds Never Sing, they will gain a new appreciation for the accomplishments of their own fathers, uncles, and grandfathers who may have served in World War II as part of the Greatest Generation.
This is not simply another book about World War II. It is, instead, an intimate journey into the heart of an American soldier. As such, it is as triumphant as the men it depicts.
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